Our Technology
PDG developed an unrivalled technology platform that allows us to efficiently and effectively manage large volumes of claims, zero-in on opportunities to capture Deductible Income and securely share information with our clients.
Proprietary Claims

PDG’s purposefully built claims system was developed with the specific intent to capture and track third party claims. Clients have the ability to refer claims either in bulk or individually and to review the real-time status of any referred claims via our Web portal.
Integrated Third-Party Claims Indexes

We have the unique capability to cross-reference multiple third party claim indexes to instantaneously identify potential Deductible Income sources and automatically scan the resulting reports to prioritize target claims with the greatest potential.
Secure Web

Clients can import documents and review the real-time status of all referrals via PDG's secure Web portal. PDG uses industry standard encryption for all its data transactions to assure compliance and data security.
Industry-Level Data

PDG is committed to maintaining the highest levels of data security. PDG enforces industry standard best practices such as strong passwords, hardened networks, encryption, and intrusion detection systems to assure our client’s data is secure. Client data is centrally stored and managed in our secure data center.